Just a quick update to say we are living on the edge right now......... ha! ha! I have been taking Grier's temp for the past two hours and it is up and down but we have not yet past the magic 100.5 auxiliary~ It has been 99.9--- 100.3--- 100.4 BUT not that magic number--- so the nurse and I have been chatting often on the phone. He is asleep now.... and he is 98.6-- go figure.... so tonight will be FUN.... good thing he sleeps close because I will be able to tell if is warm.... Hopefully we can make it at home for the next 10 hours... we will be in the clinic in the morning anyway.... She suggested that I go get another thermometer and I agreeded.... but I have a ton of them.... and they all stink!
Grier did not do much today.... Grace, my mom and I went to Costco and Polished..... I know quite a combination.... and the boys stayed home.... He is in a good mood.... and understands why I am taking his temperature so often.... he told me before he went to sleep that he just wants to get his port accessed in the clinic because Kristen is so good at it--- :( And he wanted to know if he had to sleep at the hospital if he could have visitors.... ? I would say he knows the routine....
alright... pretty boring update but I am going to try to sleep in case we head to LCH in the early morning hours...
Grier Martin Christenbury(age 2 1/2) was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma on Tuesday, March 27, 2007- This blog is to help family and friends know how he is doing with treatments. Go Grier Go! www.caringbridge.org/visit/grierchristenbury
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Go Grier Go Magnets are Here!

Grier's address in NYC
Grier Christenbury
Ronald McDonald House of New York
405 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021
Ronald McDonald House of New York
405 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021
Before 3F8
After 3F8
30 minutes later
Grier leaving NY-pres and going back to MSKCC
www.cornellpediatrics.org-- Great hospital!
Grier going for a ride in the ambulance across the street
just transporting-- not an emergency!
Grier patiently waiting surgery to remove tumor
Monday 10/29/07
Go Grier Go Picnic in the Park
Thanks to everyone that helped!!!
On the way to NYC!

Grier at the "new" clinic at CMC

Playing with the doctors and nurses 10/19/07
Some of our team at the Hopebuilders 5k
Supersib- GRACE
SuperSib-- HAYES
If you have time-- these are great WEBSITES to look at!
- Grier's CaringBridge Site
- GO Grier Go! -- website
- Dilworth Little League--Steel Fab (Majors)
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Video
- The Loneliest Road Campaign
- Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation
- Community Blood Center of the Carolinas
- Coaches Curing Kids Cancer
- SuperSibs
- Levine Children's Hospital
- curesearch
Grier and his Wonder Pets fly boat cake!

I am 3!
Grier & Grace at Covenant

Grier & Pat

Go Grier Go!

Jack and Charlie wearing Go Grier Go T's

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