Monday, January 14, 2008

DAY 1 -- is over!

They told us the first day would be the hardest and they were right--- I guess-- I will tell you tomorrow!! We got to the hospital early-- and did our normal waiting-- Mondays are very busy- He had to have a finger stick-- so that started the morning off bad-- then I thought they were going to give the shot but soon found out I was going to give it so I had to go back to the Ronald and get it! We saw the NB team and then headed back to the day bed area to wait to start-- While waiting I could not help listen to the screams from the other children receiving 3f8-- this was making me anxious but not Grier-- he totally must tune all of that out- We were in a semi private room-- which may help--hmm... I do not know-- it helped to know the pain does stop-- but you feel for the child next to you--
Grier was finally ready to start and we were told during the first 30 minutes--- the intense pain would start 15 minutes into it--- he slept the first 15... and then started to get restless-- just like labor pains-- and his heart rate went to 170..180..200 and then he was given rescue drugs-- and after 15 minutes-- his heart rate went down a little.. he didn't look so flush... and he slept--
He has slept off and on the entire day--- we left the hospital around 5 and went to pick up a pain killer for tonight-- just in case- They said he did well--- I was shocked so I had to ask what not doing well was like and the description was awful-- so he did well!

I forgot that some people check caringbridge-- I have Grier's address on --
But now have added it to the CB site-- Sorry for the confusion--

Until tomorrow--


Anonymous said...

Thinking about you back up in NY! And hoping the painful shots will do lots of good work, poor Grier.


Stacy Sparks

Anonymous said...

So glad to know that things went well today -- Grier is such a warrior and we are his prayer warriors! It sounds like the many, many prayers coming your way helped today. We will continue our prayers for you indefinitely.

The fireworks from the Giants stadium were for Grier for sure! They knew he was coming to NYC and wanted to salute him and welcome him back!

Hope the 3f8 treatments will spare Grier the pain others have -- God is holding him and will protect him from more than he can tolerate. Sleeping is the best way to cope!

Thanks for your update -- I'll let folks at ETES know Grier got through the first day well. It's cold again here, so bundle up as you run back and forth from the Ronald to MSKCC. Hope sleep comes easily to Grier, you, and Jeff tonight and that Grier is comfortable and won't need the pain medication!

Prayers and love to you tonight,

Betty G

Anonymous said...

We are thinking about all of you. Sending lots of prayers and hugs to your entire family! Hang in there.

Love -
Sally, Pete and Molly

Anonymous said...

Well, let's hope the power of positive prayer and thinking helped Grier through! I am so happy today is over for you...hopeful the night will be restful and uneventful!!!!!

Thank you for sharing with us...I have had Grier on my mind the entire day hoping he would do better than expected. He sure didn't let anyone down! He's AWESOME!!!!!!

Be well...get some rest when possible...let the howling winds lull you to sleep!

Tons of love and prayers...

Anonymous said...

We pray today goes as well as yesterday!! Just wanted you to know we contiue to pray for you all!! Hopefully last night went well.

Thinking of you all constantly.

Stephanie G.

Mary Ellen Paine said...

So sorry it was so rough. He sure is a tough little guy. I know you feel his pain,so I am sad for all of you.
I know it must be hard now but we will pray for a positive end result.
I hope you all can get a little rest. Please know we are thinking of you and praying for you.
All our love,
The Paine's



Go Grier Go Magnets are Here!

Go Grier Go Magnets are Here!

Grier's address in NYC

Grier Christenbury
Ronald McDonald House of New York

405 East 73rd Street

New York, NY 10021

Before 3F8

Before 3F8

After 3F8

After 3F8
30 minutes later

Free Money for Go Grier Go!.. just by shopping online!!

Grier leaving NY-pres and going back to MSKCC

Grier leaving NY-pres and going back to MSKCC Great hospital!

Grier going for a ride in the ambulance across the street

Grier going for a ride in the ambulance across the street
just transporting-- not an emergency!

Grier patiently waiting surgery to remove tumor

Grier patiently waiting surgery to remove tumor
Monday 10/29/07

Go Grier Go Picnic in the Park

Go Grier Go Picnic in the Park
Thanks to everyone that helped!!!

On the way to NYC!

On the way to NYC!

Grier at the "new" clinic at CMC

Grier at the "new" clinic at CMC
Playing with the doctors and nurses 10/19/07

Some of our team at the Hopebuilders 5k

Some of our team at the Hopebuilders 5k



Supersib- GRACE

Supersib- GRACE

SuperSib-- HAYES

Grier and his Wonder Pets fly boat cake!

Grier and his Wonder Pets fly boat cake!
I am 3!

Grier & Grace at Covenant

Grier & Grace at Covenant

Grier & Pat

Grier & Pat

Go Grier Go!

Go Grier Go!

Jack and Charlie wearing Go Grier Go T's

Jack and Charlie wearing Go Grier Go T's