We landed in Charlotte around 5:30 on Tuesday and it was so nice to see Hayes, Grace, and my mom waiting for us at the hanger--- Grier did really well on the flight and even got to lay down on the couch -- it seemed to help because most of his pain was from sitting straight up-- so we were really thankful we got a flight with Corporate Angels- I kind of think there needs to be a holding area where you can go and decompress before you switch hats from medical director & cancer parent to HOME--- it is a hard transition when you are fighting exhaustion and you know your other kids want things to be normal-- but I guess that would be in a perfect world-- since that is not the case we jumped right back into to homework, signing papers, sports, fundraisers
Grier Martin Christenbury(age 2 1/2) was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma on Tuesday, March 27, 2007- This blog is to help family and friends know how he is doing with treatments. Go Grier Go! www.caringbridge.org/visit/grierchristenbury
Friday, September 18, 2009
We landed in Charlotte around 5:30 on Tuesday and it was so nice to see Hayes, Grace, and my mom waiting for us at the hanger--- Grier did really well on the flight and even got to lay down on the couch -- it seemed to help because most of his pain was from sitting straight up-- so we were really thankful we got a flight with Corporate Angels- I kind of think there needs to be a holding area where you can go and decompress before you switch hats from medical director & cancer parent to HOME--- it is a hard transition when you are fighting exhaustion and you know your other kids want things to be normal-- but I guess that would be in a perfect world-- since that is not the case we jumped right back into to homework, signing papers, sports, fundraisers
Go Grier Go Magnets are Here!

Grier's address in NYC
Grier Christenbury
Ronald McDonald House of New York
405 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021
Ronald McDonald House of New York
405 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021
Before 3F8
After 3F8
30 minutes later
Grier leaving NY-pres and going back to MSKCC
www.cornellpediatrics.org-- Great hospital!
Grier going for a ride in the ambulance across the street
just transporting-- not an emergency!
Grier patiently waiting surgery to remove tumor
Monday 10/29/07
Go Grier Go Picnic in the Park
Thanks to everyone that helped!!!
On the way to NYC!

Grier at the "new" clinic at CMC

Playing with the doctors and nurses 10/19/07
Some of our team at the Hopebuilders 5k
Supersib- GRACE
SuperSib-- HAYES
If you have time-- these are great WEBSITES to look at!
- Grier's CaringBridge Site
- GO Grier Go! -- website
- Dilworth Little League--Steel Fab (Majors)
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Video
- The Loneliest Road Campaign
- Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation
- Community Blood Center of the Carolinas
- Coaches Curing Kids Cancer
- SuperSibs
- Levine Children's Hospital
- curesearch
Grier and his Wonder Pets fly boat cake!

I am 3!
Grier & Grace at Covenant

Grier & Pat

Go Grier Go!

Jack and Charlie wearing Go Grier Go T's

I am so sorry Amy. This sucks! Grier fought it before and he will fight it again. We are giving you the thumbs up out here.
The Pikes
No words just know we love you and are praying harder then ever.
We are here for you to do anything.
Mary Ellen
My niece ( who is recovering from chemo for leukemia)
and I answer the phone with "leukemia sucks". Your sentiments I am sure. I am having more and more experiences where there are just no words. Please know that you will be in my prayers and I will be sending you constant "thumbs up."
Go, Grier, Go!!
Mrs. Daughtry
I am at a loss as well. It is hard to trust life after such a setback. John's grandfather wrote after Finn's diagnosis -- I don't know why a young boy's path to greatness must be interrupted by such illness.
It is truly rotten.
I am at a loss as well. It is hard to trust life after such a setback but I know that this time you are dealing from such a position of strength and understanding. John's grandfather wrote after Finn's diagnosis -- I don't know why a young boy's path to greatness must be interrupted by such illness.
It is truly rotten.
Well maybe it was worth saying twice! How you manage ports and chemo when I can't master the computer...
Kisses to Grier and Hayes and Grace. Good night all.
Amy, I have kept up with what is going on with your blog and really want you to know that I do pray for Grier every day. We will try to make each game as normal an experience for Grace as possible. She is a very special girl.
I went through many years of serious illness with my older brother starting when he was in college. "They" said it was bad. "They" said he was really sick. "They" said so much more. I am a HUGE believer in the power of prayer. My brother's illness wasn't easy. At one point, a doctor told this 19 year old boy that he should probably never have children because he wouldn't live to see them grow up. My brother is now 53 years old and has 4 beautiful children, the oldest of whom just graduated from college (with honors!).
Keep the faith, do what you have to do to keep your family strong and know that many, many people are lifting you up in prayer.
Cindy Grim
We continue to pray and send lots of thumbs up your way. Thinking of you all!!!!
Netha and all
Amy, so sorry, not sure what to say but the daily prayers will continue. Happy you will get to stay in Charlotte and be with all of your family.
When something is not worthy of just two thumbs up Athan puts up his two big toes too (while he is giving the double thumbs up) so you have the double thumbs up AND big toes up from all four of us in PA.
Possible scary visual!
Love and prayers to you all!
Stephanie G.
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