Re-Entry....... Anytime you go away from your normal routine it is hard to come back to reality. This weekend was no different than any other time except we missed having Grier with us in Charleston. Hayes and Grace had a great time this weekend and I think it was exactly what they needed ( neither of them wanted to come home!)-- and I enjoyed being with both of them without having to worry about if something was going to happen--- Grier had a great weekend too--- He was well taken care of at the hospital by my mom as well as many visitors, Susanne & George, Bill & Ross-- they "babysat" him so my mom could shower!! He was very busy painting this weekend and I have a stack of new pictures. He also has a new litter of kittens-- I am sure the gift shop loves that he is a patient!! He called early Sunday morning to tell me he wanted Grace's team to stop winning--- he was ready for us to come--- I guess he thought we were there to stay until they lost-- I told him we were coming home Sunday no matter what--- Grace's team ended up winning all four games and were the winners of their age group!! We headed home after the girls got their medals --- I was really hoping to head to our house-- but Grier's counts had not gone up enough for the docs to feel comfortable with discharging him-- so when we got home Jeff went up to the Hospital to see Grier for a little bit-- I packed another bag so I could stay the night at the hospital and got Hayes and Grace ready for school and bed-- And in a split second we were back to passing each other in the hallway and updating by cell phones-- As I got back to the hospital I saw another mom with her daughter doing to the same thing our family was doing Friday night--- standing on the corner and waving up to their child who was at Levine---- I know that not allowing kids in the hospital is a good thing right now for the protection of the patients but it is really hard-- we can not eat as a family like we used to and I have to leave H&G home a lot as Jeff and I have switched places-- Monday morning all was the same-- Grier's counts were still the same-- his ANC was almost nothing--- and we were really just waiting for his counts to start to recover.... he had not had a fever since Saturday and every test was negative. Even the flu test--- :) The decided we could go home--- so we did! Grier's hair starting falling out this weekend and by Monday it was REALLY bothering him--- he would lay down and end up with his whole shoulder area covered with hair-- so we decided it was time to cut it- He was OK with the idea and we talked about new hats and such --- Jane emailed me and told me that Neil ( her husband) was off today.... he works at Salon on Selwyn and would come to our house if we wanted him to--- it was perfect timing and since Grier still has no immune system I felt better about not having to take him out in public--- Neil came and gave Grier his latest buzz-- After Neil left Grier was a little quiet and then the quiet turned into to crying--- HE said he was NOT going to school looking like this and it was too short!! He also said his girlfriends were not going to like his hair-- not sure where that came from!! After explaining to him that his hair was falling out because of a medicine called chemo he was a little better but not much--- He talked Jeff into going to get him a new hat since he could not go--- and they talked to each other while Jeff was at LIDS and Grier decided on an Alabama hat--- :) Grier has no real favorites--- he just tries ALL teams--! There was a lot of drama last night night but he seems to be better this morning-- The hard part will be as his re-enters each new place sporting his new "do"!!! He is very aware of reactions so please be careful--- I know kids will not know what to say but I can only hope for the best! We have to continue with his shots this week and go to the clinic once maybe twice to check counts-- He is scheduled to start round 2 on Monday but his counts have to be good enough to do so-- He is on periactin ( it helps his appetite) and finished the second dose of tamiflu today-- I am going to update soon about the Go Grier Go team that will be walking at the 2nd Annual Curesearch Milestones Walk on Saturday, Nov.7th @ 9:00am-- it is growing daily and I hope we have a super turn out like we did last year-- I hope if you joined the team last year you will come again--- also I would love to see everyone ask 10 people to sponsor you for $10 each if you are on the team-- It is really hard to get corporate sponsors this year so it will be up to walkers ( including spirit walkers) to raise some money for a cure- I am the team captain but I am looking for someone to take this from me-- I also would like to do a team T-shirt but I can not be in charge--- if that is something you are interested in.. please email me- I would love to do a race like T with business sponsors on the back so if you know how to do this please email me too!! More on that later--- the bus just came and I am switching hats!!! Amy
GoGrierGo team link---
click on join team--
96 cents of every $1 goes towards finding a cure for pediatric cancer-- even the $10 walker fee--
Grier's address in NYC
Grier Christenbury
Ronald McDonald House of New York
405 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021
You are so wonderful to update regularly -- enjoy keeping up with you and the fam. So happy that the four of you had a great weekend in Charleston and that Grace's team was the age group winner! Also glad that Grier had such wonderful babysitters at LCH -- that's what friends are for!
Glad you got home yesterday and hope the counts keep on risin'! I know he is anxious to get back to school and see his girlfriends! How funny was his comment about his girlfriends not liking his hair???
Love to all of you and continued prayers always,
Betty G
Thinking of you guys and can't wait to see you on Saturday. If Gier needs any more haircuts give me call. I have cut all the Grayson's and Hawes boys. Go Grier Go!
Amy, Grier, and family,
Just got the word. Just want you all to know that I am thinking of you all...especially Grier. Please tell Grier that Mrs. Beth (music teacher from last year) said hey! If there is ever a time that a little guitar playing might be helpful, please let me know! By the way, tell Grier nice pick with the Roll Tide cap. My brother is the Presbyterian Campus Minister at Alabama...he would be mighty impressed! Peace and continued prayers for you all. Love, Mrs. Beth
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