We went to MSKCC around 8:45-- had a finger stick and waited for the word that his counts are still not high enough for harvesting--- so we left at 10:30 with instructions -- KEEP GIVING TRIPLE THE DOSE OF SHOTS -- hopefully by Monday morning the counts will be high enough to start-- and his blood and platelet counts will start coming up on their own! We also got the container for the 4- hour urine collection-- and the low-down of what not to feed him so the results are accurate- no Orange juice, hot chocolate, bananas, pineapple, nuts.. Peanut butter-- the funny thing is all of that is served at the clinic snack room!
We walked NYC today-- mostly window shopping while Grier slept in the stroller-- It was a very nice day to just walk around and see NY- We went to Barney's-- the ornaments were great-- didn't know how to get them home in one piece!!
And.. yes he had a turkey sandwich from Lenny's-- Actually he has done nothing but eat almost all day!!!! We also hit the M&M world store-- Thanks Aunt Kathy for the card to get treats there-- !!! After that we went to Toys R US ( with the rest of NY!!!) and he sat in a power wheels-- he said this is what he wants to ask Santa for!!! I will post a picture later-- I did talk him into a smaller version until he gets bigger-- You should have seen him sitting in this car-- he would not even look at me to take a picture because he was so into this truck and the gadgets!!
What great pictures. It is so amazing to look at him,he looks so good. You would never know all that he is going thru.
I am glad you had a nice day in the city.
Hope all the shots and specimens go well. You are both so great and remember we are all here for you.
Get some rest if possible and know you are so close in our hearts.
The Paine's
Power Wheel for a Power Guy!! Wish we could all get him the power wheel -- he deserves ANYTHING he wants! I know...I know... "You can't always get what you waaaant" according to Mick Jagger.
Sorry the WBC is still low -- hopefully the turkey sandwiches and other good food will bring it up on its own by Monday. Sorry extra shots are needed too -- I know you hate that!
Bundle up as you enjoy Christmas in the City this weekend! Sleep tight and know we are thinking and praying for you all.
Go Grier Go!
Betty G
I sure hope all of the shots prove worth while on Monday...no doubt that will be reward enough!
Glad you and Jeff enjoyed a day in the city and a fun time with Grier at Toys'R'Us! I sure hope you got at least one or two ornaments at Barney's...and I want to see them! My sister-in-law just told me about the M&M store...she was there last weekend. She showed me some of what she got for my children (I was in DE yesterday)...stickers, notepads and a really cool clear container with swirled dividers of M&Ms. I'm sure you got something awesome for Hayes & Grace.
Grier looks great and I am delighted to see that...what a change from the tail end of your previous visit to NYC. He's truly an amazing little boy with so much love to give...enjoy!
Have a great day and know we're thinking of Grier and praying for great results!
Lots of love...
What a difference a monthe makes! Almost to the date of that pic. by the elevator, he looks awesome, what a cutie! Things are getting there. Those counts will be up in no time. the journey continues. What a great time to be in NYC. Of course, we would rather have you home, but NYC during the holidays is magically. Hope some of that magic reaches you all!! So great seeing you at ETES last week. Love to you all, The Stack Family
I hope Grier's counts are up for Monday and I'm glad you are enjoying some fun things while you are in NY. I love that picture in front of the car, what a great smile! Hugs from Charlotte,
Stacy Sparks
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