Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A little jokester!

Home Health came today to our house to draw blood for labs-- the nurse had not been to our house since he had that high fever-- Well, Grier started "shivering" and I had to laugh-- he remembered what happen last time and made a joke! I didn't know what he was doing at first but when I saw him making himself shake and then grinning while she did his blood I thought it was funny!

On a sad note-- another child has died from this awful disease-- He has been on the news a lot today and if you catch his interview you will be amazed-- he is wiser than most adults at the age of 16-- Here is a link if you want to see it online-

We never met him at clinic but our go grier go bracelets were often mistaken for his-- His name is Brandon Elam and the blue/white silicone bracelet says ELAM-N8-CANCER---! I hope one day we can eliminate childhood cancer---


Anonymous said...

Hi, wow what a month!! caught up today on Grier and the family. Glad school has started and I've gotten to see you and Jeff. You guys are in our every thought and prayer. We are here for you always. The Stack family

Anonymous said...

Thank You Amy for keeping us all so mindful of what is important in this world. I just watched the clip on Brandon and feel so appreciative for hearing his words- thank you for introducing me to him - heaven's gain is earth's loss. You have so much going on but you are always invested in keeping us mindful of others outside of ourselves. Thank you for the inspiration you give - daily!
Love, Alex

Anonymous said...


Not surprised even a little bit that Grier turned what is so routine into a joke...I think it's fantastic and shows his minimal concern for what's going on within his little body. He's a child and should be able to act and feel like any mischievious 3-year old might! He is just awesome:)

I will admit that I was extremely sad watching the footage of Brandon Elam. This unfortunately showed the brutle truth behind this's heartbreaking. My prayers are focussed and unwavering for Grier to get the medical care he needs and, with God's love, be cured of the cancer. It can happen and we have to believe that it will for Grier and your family!!

I love you all dearly and will keep our thoughts and prayers on Grier:)

Love and Peace...

Mary Ellen Paine said...

Grier definitely got his mothers personality. Glad he is able to play around. That is pretty funny for a three year old.
I have my sisters class in N.J. praying. I think they are pretty good prayers. It is a Catholic school. I know Catholics may not do everything right but we pray great.
So sad to hear aboput that young boy. I saw him interviewed this a.m. Only makes us want to strive harder so that others do not suffer what his family is .

I will keep them in our prayers.
Take care of yourselves.
As Always you are in our thoughts and prayers.
The Paine's

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,
Thanks for the glad you got home on schedule. We drove past CMC/LCH tonight which looks great all lit up and the kids asked if Grier was we all prayed for his healing as we passed it.
love Isabel



Go Grier Go Magnets are Here!

Go Grier Go Magnets are Here!

Grier's address in NYC

Grier Christenbury
Ronald McDonald House of New York

405 East 73rd Street

New York, NY 10021

Before 3F8

Before 3F8

After 3F8

After 3F8
30 minutes later

Free Money for Go Grier Go!.. just by shopping online!!

Grier leaving NY-pres and going back to MSKCC

Grier leaving NY-pres and going back to MSKCC Great hospital!

Grier going for a ride in the ambulance across the street

Grier going for a ride in the ambulance across the street
just transporting-- not an emergency!

Grier patiently waiting surgery to remove tumor

Grier patiently waiting surgery to remove tumor
Monday 10/29/07

Go Grier Go Picnic in the Park

Go Grier Go Picnic in the Park
Thanks to everyone that helped!!!

On the way to NYC!

On the way to NYC!

Grier at the "new" clinic at CMC

Grier at the "new" clinic at CMC
Playing with the doctors and nurses 10/19/07

Some of our team at the Hopebuilders 5k

Some of our team at the Hopebuilders 5k



Supersib- GRACE

Supersib- GRACE

SuperSib-- HAYES

Grier and his Wonder Pets fly boat cake!

Grier and his Wonder Pets fly boat cake!
I am 3!

Grier & Grace at Covenant

Grier & Grace at Covenant

Grier & Pat

Grier & Pat

Go Grier Go!

Go Grier Go!

Jack and Charlie wearing Go Grier Go T's

Jack and Charlie wearing Go Grier Go T's