This is a short blog for tonight—Grier is the same as yesterday. Jeff stayed at CMC for most of today and I spent time with Hayes and Grace—they beat me at horse (basketball game) a few times!! We went to lunch and did some homework and made sure book bags were ready for Monday morning-
I know folks want a “Go Grier Go” bracelet—if you want one please email Jeanna at and she knows how to get them --Pat has some too—So, if you are around Covenant she would be the one to ask- Our oncologist has a bracelet and he wears it everyday—and he tells Grier he is part of his team… and says “Grier I know you have a big team out there!”
Thanks to everyone – I know I keep saying it but I am afraid I am going to miss someone- Thanks to everyone at Covenant, First Presbyterian Weekday School, ETES, Black Forest, Alphabet Soup, Jameston Dr. folks, Dilworth Little League, the Bad Bees soccer team, my mother’s offices, SimplexGrinnell, CMC, our pediatricians, our friends, everyone reading this BLOG and of course family you have given us a lot of strength knowing that so many people are praying for Grier to get better. I am sure I have forgotten someone, but just remember I am a little sleep deprived!
ps The chick-fil-a cow that he received yesterday is a hit with the folks visiting and nurses!-- everyone has something to say about him! We look forward to visiting chick-fil-a soon when he feels better!!
Grier Martin Christenbury(age 2 1/2) was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma on Tuesday, March 27, 2007- This blog is to help family and friends know how he is doing with treatments. Go Grier Go!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Go Grier Go Magnets are Here!

Grier's address in NYC
Grier Christenbury
Ronald McDonald House of New York
405 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021
Ronald McDonald House of New York
405 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021
Before 3F8
After 3F8
30 minutes later
Grier leaving NY-pres and going back to MSKCC Great hospital!
Grier going for a ride in the ambulance across the street
just transporting-- not an emergency!
Grier patiently waiting surgery to remove tumor
Monday 10/29/07
Go Grier Go Picnic in the Park
Thanks to everyone that helped!!!
On the way to NYC!

Grier at the "new" clinic at CMC

Playing with the doctors and nurses 10/19/07
Some of our team at the Hopebuilders 5k
Supersib- GRACE
SuperSib-- HAYES
If you have time-- these are great WEBSITES to look at!
- Grier's CaringBridge Site
- GO Grier Go! -- website
- Dilworth Little League--Steel Fab (Majors)
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Video
- The Loneliest Road Campaign
- Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation
- Community Blood Center of the Carolinas
- Coaches Curing Kids Cancer
- SuperSibs
- Levine Children's Hospital
- curesearch
Grier and his Wonder Pets fly boat cake!

I am 3!
Grier & Grace at Covenant

Grier & Pat

Go Grier Go!

Jack and Charlie wearing Go Grier Go T's

I know there are many folks at First Pres. WDS who would LOVE to have bracelets. We saw those his class/teachers received; everyone wants to be a part of his team! We'll track them down, don't worry about that. You continue to inspire with your strength and humor; there are rare moments in life that define us, and you are rising to the occasion. I'm following the blog closely and feel the energy of this incredible Grier community wrapping its arms around you all-
Madeline Sullivan-Drake
I am so thankful that you got a bit of a respite from CMC today. It's so hard to be your best when you are so utterly sleep deprived, though smiling faces and humor can sure do a lot for mental health...I'm sure Hayes and Grace provided that for you!
We'll continue to pray that Grier be relieved of the problematic symptoms of sores and fever so that you may go home and be together as a family day in and out. I also pray that your family unit and marital unit remain strong as you look forward to that time together!
Here's to great peace and comfort!
Love and Prayers...
Checking in before bedtime. We want you to know that Grier is thought about, prayed about, and talked about 24/7. We were happy to see the rain wash away the pollen today~~and praying that with the sunshine that follows later this week/so will a joyful trip home for all 5 of you!
I hope his infection/fever goes away soon and that his mouth is healing.
Much love,
Hannah Charles Virginia Charles and Brown
Hello: My family's good thoughts go out to yours. Today I will run my 6th Boston Marathon with a 15-year-old cancer survivor as we raise money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. We will run every mile with Grier in mind.
Amy and Jeff,
I am married to David Lindsay and just wanted to write to say you all are at the top of my prayer list. From reading your blogs, its apparent how wonderful and strong your family is. "Hang in there" seems so inadequate to say. I can't imagine what your days and nights are like, but I am thankful that you are surrounded by so many wonderful people in the Charlotte/Covenant Pres community and beyond. Grier is a precious child of God and I know God has you all in his hands.
Emily Lindsay
The Go Grier Go bracelets were a hit yesterday at church! I have mine on right now at work, and David was upset when he thought I didn't pick up one for him - but of course I did! I have had a cold, so haven't been able to get by to see you, but please know we are thinking about you and praying for you every day!
The Shroyers
Dear Amy and family,
As a grandmother of three and now a greatgrandmother of a 3 month old, I can feel your pain and anxiety. However, our Covenant church people are all praying to God that Grier will come out of this crisis a healthy boy. Jesus loves our children and wants Grier to be safe from harm despite what all the doctors may predict. I send my warmest thoughts and prayers to all of you and will get a bracelet from Pat to wear ASAP.
Pat Turi-Arnold, a close friend and neighbor of Sharon and Clay Elder whose children I adore
Christenbury family,
You continue to be in our every thought and prayer. May each day bring more comfort and joy for Grier and more hope for a happy tomorrow for your family. I am glad to hear that you have been able to go home for small periods of time and pray for many more hours there soon. Love to you all.
Anna, Mary Claire, Christopher and Connor
You should be amazed by the number of people who are praying for you all. You just never know how many lives you touch. I teach at MP Meth preschool and we have added you all to our daily devotion.
The Nicholson family including Chipper the dog are all wearing "Go Grier Go".
You are probably discovering that prayers and support are coming from unexpected sources. Hang in their, you've got a lot of invisible support!
Cindy Nicholson
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